Why Supplement with Glutamic Acid and Amino Acids? A Guide from IV Therapy in Toronto


You’d likely learn from our IV therapy Toronto clinic that glutamic acid is not the same as glutamine. However, glutamic acid transforms glutamine into a constructive amino acid for the human body.

Though they have similar monikers, both are known as “glutamates”. The difference between the two amino acids is that glutamine originates from glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is a separate amino acid and is known as a component of monosodium glutamate. Glutamine, however, is familiar to some individuals as a supplement for immune function and athletic recovery.

As one of the amino acid building blocks of proteins, glutamic acid can be a key ingredient when combined with other intravenous amino acids. It also plays a unique role in cell health, and might contribute to improved brain function and managing blood pressure levels.

Besides being a precursor to glutamine, this amino acid assists with optimizing cellular energy, intestinal health and immune function. Thus, when united with a medley of amino acids for IV vitamin drip therapy, it could offer beneficial effects for optimal health.

How it could offer advantages to the human body

Glutamic acid might provide different health benefits, such as these:

  • Shows promise in reducing blood pressure levels: In a study on people who consumed vegetable-ladened diets, results showed “… “on average, people who consume more glutamic acid have lower blood pressure than those who consume less,” explains a study in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. More research is needed, though it’s postulated that it could also lessen the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
  • It may be involved with learning and memory: This amino acid is like “fuel” for the brain because it stimulates attentiveness and memory. Some healthcare providers even recommend it for managing conditions, such as ADHD. It’s been postulated that it could help children with behavioral issues by improving concentration for mental performance in the classroom. The supplement might also assist those with neuropsychological conditions who also suffer from mood-related disorders. Some studies have verified that neuropsychological concerns tend to be linked to uneven amounts of neurotransmitters.
  • May potentially help lift mood: Glutamate is a neurotransmitter synthesized by glutamic acid; so supplementing with glutamic acid might help with managing mood swings. According to Frontiers in Neuroscience, “Several glutamatergic agents have been demonstrated to effectively decrease depressive symptoms in people with [major depression] and bipolar disorder (BD).”
  • Could encourage detoxification: In order to create glutamine, glutamic acid must bond to nitrogen atoms in the body. This unique conversion is the sole method for removing ammonia from the body! Glutamic acid can promote detoxification, which could help with preventing impaired liver function.

Studies have shown that excessive alcohol use can prevent the body from absorbing glutamic acid. “Alcohol appears to interfere with the ion-channel type of glutamate receptor, thereby altering primary excitatory signaling throughout the brain. This finding may explain alcohol’s widespread effects on neuronal activity and brain function”, says an article from Alcohol Health and Research World.

Vitamin IV therapy is a type of infusion used to lessen oxidative stress, while helping to increase blood cell production, cellular function and DNA repair. IV nutrient therapy has an elevated absorption rate and supports energy levels; it might also aid in avoiding unwanted side effects (i.e. upset stomach). It’s currently available at our clinic as IV infusion therapy, where glutamic acid is blended with other amino acids.

Getting vitamin drip treatments from our clinic

At the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, we’re here for guidance during your process of recovery. Our integrative approach allows you to consider allopathic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture, IV vitamin therapy, and other modalities.

Functional medicine programs can target various health conditions and concerns, including chronic fatigue syndrome, cellular damage, tissue repair, adrenal function, autoimmune disease, thyroid conditions, premature aging, post-disease symptoms, hormonal balance, and others.

Intravenous drips are freshly compounded and come with a combination of ingredients and essential vitamins, like high-dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), and other types of vitamins and minerals.

Take note: Prior to your first therapy drip, an initial consultation is conducted to determine allergies, past medical history, and the beneficial ingredients you might require. This 30–45 minute consultation is a complete diagnostic session at our vitamin IV lounge. Our health practitioners adhere to the principles of functional medicine, so they may consider lifestyle and environmental surroundings, genetics and past health issues to address your concern.

What do you think you need to reach your health goals and optimal functioning? Our personalized service of functional medicine treatments might provide you with insight. Call (416) 968–6961 to learn about IV therapy from our Toronto clinic.


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Original article “Toronto Functional Medicine Centre” first appeared in the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website.



Toronto Functional Medicine Centre

We strive to help each patient shift towards balanced, wholesome wellness through integrative functional & naturopathic medicine healing.